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EMD-80-124 1 (1980-10-01)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabivw0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

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             The Honorable Timothy E. Wirth
             House of Representatives

             Dear Mr. Wirth:

                  Subject;. Alleged missing nuclear material from
                            DOE'S Rocky Flats weapons production
                            I plant (EMD-80-124)

                  'is i$ in'respolise to your ryques.of AhUSt 27, 1980,
            'for   T an investigation into an a legation t t weapons
            grade nuclear material was missing from the Department of
            Energy's (DOE) Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant and (2)
            answers to nine specific questions you had regarding the
            nuclear material accounting system a t the Rocky Flats .
            facility. Much of the info-rmation you requested on the
            facility's accounting system is classified, and therefore
            is included as a separate enclosure to this letter,  (See
            Enclosures I and i).

                  Regarding the allegation of missing material at the
             plant, we. found that an unusually larg.e amount of weapons
             grade nuclear material- - plutonium- - was unaccounted for at
             the end of Rocky Flats' June 1980 inventory period, How-
             ever, a subsequent investigation by DOE and contractor
             personnel found no evidence to indicate that any material
             was taken from the-facility, Similarly, based on the infor-
             mation we obtained at DOE headquarters and a t the Rocky
             Flats 'plant, we found no evidence to indicate that any
             material was taken from the plant.

                 Our inquiry into this matter was limited in scope since
             you wanted an answer by September 4, 1980. Consequently, we
             had about 5 days to interview DCE headquarters personnel,
             DOE field personnel and contractor officials responsible for
             operating theRocky Fiats plant a s we l as-to-revi-ew the
             pertinent material accounting documents and related reports
             for.the plant. Because of the time constraint we did not do.... .
--  ---  a:aetflre7ea-.-rdview as we  would otherwise have done.--- For
  4          instance, we did.not track the materials accounting informa-
             tion through to the source documents. We relied primarily
             on discussions with site officials and summary documents to
             obtain this information.


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