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AFMD-85-1 1 (1984-10-01)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabeuh0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


Comptroller General


Accuracy, Cost, And Users

Of The Consolidated

Federal Funds Report

On March 28, 1984, the Census Bureau,
acting as executive agent for the Office of
Management and Budget, issued the 1983
Consolidated Federal Funds Report. The
report provides statistical data on the geo-
graphic distribution of federal funds to states,
counties, municipalities, and congressional

The potential users of federal geographic
funding data agree on the need for a compre-
hensive source of information such as the
Consolidated Federal Funds Report to meet
their diverse interests. Because problems
result when data from several sources are
combined into the standard report format,
visibility of federal funds lessens at each
successive geographic level. Although the
report addresses some user needs, it could
be more useful if the availability and acces-
sibility of substate data were improved.

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                                                                 OCTOBER 1, 1984

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