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RCED-83-74 1 (1982-12-10)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabdtt0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 
/2) 0VN/5JC


Comptroller General


Analysis Of The Department Of Energy's

Clinch River Breeder Reactor Cost Estimate

Much of the current congressional debate
about the Clinch River Breeder Reactor
(CRBi) centers around the estimated cost of
designing, constructing, and operating it for
a 5-yoar demonstration period. The De-
partment of Energy (DOE) recently linked
the ri)venue-generating potential of the
CRBR beyond the demonstration period to
the justification for continued funding.
GAO presents information that points out
many uncertainties in DOE's estimates of
revenue and cost. GAO believes that be-
cause these estimates are based on numer-
ous a ;sumptions and calculations concern-
ing eents as far as 37 years in the future,
they should be viewed with caution.
Changes in the underlying assumptions
could produce wide variance in the cost
estimates. Further, GAO points out that
CRBI is a research and development project
and t liat judging its merits solely on cost and
rever ue estimates projected far into the
futur may not be appropriate.

GAO/ RCED-83-74
DECEMBER 10, 1982






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