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EMD-82-91 1 (1982-08-24)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabdro0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


Report To Senator John Glenn
           , t   .                                   RELEASED

Actions Being Taken To Help Reduce

Occupational Radiation Exposure At

C mmercial Nuclear Powerplants

Wor kers who operate and maintain com-
metcial nuclear powerplants are exposed to
lov doses of radiation. Although exposures
to individual workers have remained rela-
tive ly constant, the total dose received by all
nuclear powerplant workers has increased
drainatically during the history of nuclear
po% erplant operations.

Thi i report identifies the extent of the occu-
pat onal exposure increase and examines
(1) the causes for the increase, (2) the
pot ntial impacts of this increase, and (3)
Fe eral and industry efforts to reduce occu-
pational exposures. Because many of these
effo rts have only been recently implemented
or ire still in the developmental stage, it is
to early to determine how effective these
actions will be. Nevertheless, GAO believes
th t the actions taken or planned to date are
a step in the right direction.

     \D  S7,


                                                             AUGUST 24, 1982

5 2 O 3

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