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HRD-82-102 1 (1982-08-31)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabdqu0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


Report To The Chairman, Committee On

Labor And Human Resources

United      !                   6,Pei


Ilegations Related To The Processing

Of Injured Employees' Hearing Loss Claims

GAO reviewed charges of improprieties which related
primarily to a Department of Labor's Hearing Loss Task
Fo ce's processing of claims for workers' compensation
be efits. Based on a sample of claims adjudicated by the
taik force, GAO concluded that most of the improprieties
had occurred, but these occurrences were relatively
infrequent. Labor disbanded the task force in October

G O also reviewed Labor's current system for processing
hearing loss claims and believes improprieties similar to
th se identified with the task force's review of claims
should, for the most part, no longer occur. However, many
ch ims are not being adjudicated within the time frame
established by Labor for processing such claims. In
addition, GAO noted that Labor had not (1) established
schedules of reasonable fees for hearing tests and (2)
ac udicated about 500 task force claims, as of April 1982.

In May 1982, Labor revised its criteria for the time it
sh ould take to process a hearing loss claim and issued
in tructions to complete processing of the outstanding
ta 5k force claims. Labor expects to implement schedules
of reasonable medical fees in October 1982.

                I I119570

                                                                AUGUST 31, 1982


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