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PAD-82-32 1 (1982-05-20)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabdhq0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


Comptroller General


Patent And Trademark Amendments Of 1980

Set The Stage For Uniform Patent Practice

By Federal Agencies

A uniform Government-wide policy for as-
signing title to inventions arising from Gov-
ernment-sponsored research and develop-
ment has been an objective of Federal
policymakers for nearly 20 years. Changes
in the patent and trademark laws in 1980
established such a policyfor nonprofit orga-
nizations and small business firms that
conduct federally sponsored research and

Preliminary assessment of the actions of
agencies thus far and of the regulations
issued to put the law into effect promise
that the goal of uniformity envisioned may
be achieved.

   o                                                    I 18498

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       ~T T4Z                                             MAY 20, 1982

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