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ID-81-11 1 (1980-11-19)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabbfv0001 and id is 1 raw text is: KO7


Comptroller General


Improving The Management And

Coordination Of Reviews, Inspections,

And Evaluations In The U.N. System

Tht aim of the Joint Inspection Unit of
the United Nations is to improve
ma agement and coordination in the
U.N. system. The Unit is the only
organization that has authority to
review, inspect, and evaluate the U.N.
sysitem organizations and programs on
either an individual or systemwide basis.
Through increased exchange and discus-
sion of work programs, an improved
foil wup procedure on report recommen-
dat ons, and greater U.N. member sup-
port, the Unit can increase its effec-
tive ness.
GAO recommends that the Department
of State appoint a senior officer to make
sure that adequate support and attention
are provided to the work and reports of
the Unit. The Department should also
cortinue to support the establishment of
an Auditor General and an expanded
Bo rd of Auditors that would be in a
poi ition to receive and discuss the work
of , he Joint Inspection Unit.


NOVEMBER 19, 1980

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