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LCD-81-7 1 (1980-10-15)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabbde0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


Report To The Congress


Agencies Should Encourage Greater

Computer Use On Federal Design Projects

T e use of computer-aided methods on Federal
d sign projects is often limited or hampered by
agency officials and agency procedures and
  actices. While significant benefits and sav-
ings are possible through computer aids, this
cpability is not always being used.

Cl ianges in some procurement procedures
sh uld create an environment more conducive
to! greater, more efficient use of computer-
ai led methods. These changes should include
(1 educating agency personnel about the ca-
pa ilities and uses of computers in design,
(2) requiring that computers be used for those
analyses and design functions which can be
done efficiently only with computers, (3) eval-
uating computer expertise when selecting ar-
ch itects and engineers for Federal projects,
(4) discussing planned computer use during
negotiations, and (5) revising fee proposal for-
mats to recognize the role of computers in
design and to clearly identify the services
which will be provided under the contract.


OCTOBER 15, 1980


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