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ID-80-32 1 (1980-07-31)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabavg0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


Report To The Congress


The AID Excess Property Program

Should Be Simplified

The Agency for International Development
(AID) excess property program is not accom-
plishing its objective. Intended, when possible,
to use excess instead of new property in U. S.
foreign assistance projects, the program has
moved in a different direction. A number of
events have rendered the current structure of
buying in advance of established needs unad-

A less sophisticated program of soliciting pro-
perty, as needed, directly from those genera-
ting the excess property would redirect efforts
toward U. S.-funded projects and would elim-
inate the need for an inventory and recondi-
tioning function.

GAO recommends that the Congress terminate
the AID authority to obtain property in ad-
vance of need and require that non-excess pro-
perty be liquidated and program funds be re-
turned to the Treasury. GAO also recommends
that AID continue to use available property
from GSA and to educate mission personnel
to use the property.

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    I D-80-32
JULY 31, 1980


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