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EMD-80-54 1 (1980-07-15)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabath0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                                                                     ...... ....5


Report To The Congress


Additional Management Improvements

Are Needed To Speed Case Processing At

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Despite notable progress resulting from actions
the Commission has taken and continues to
take toward improving case management, the
agency still faces a large volume of backlogged
cases and lengthy processing delays. At the
end of fiscal year 1979, over 15,000 cases
were pending, many of which were back-
logged--i.e., beyond what the Commission con-
siders a reasonable processing time--including
some that had been pending for over 17 years.
The Commission also recently projected that
close to 13,000 cases may be pending at the
end of fiscal year 1980.

Each day these problems remain uncorrected,
they continue to add significantly to the costs
of both regulated companies and consumers.
Clearly, the Commission needs to be even
more aggressive toward improving its current
case processing procedures.

GAO recommendations in this report will
help effect most of these improvements under
existing  legislation, staffing, and funding
levels. However, certain legislative recom-
mendations are also included to increase in-
centives for administrative law judges to ex-
pedite the hearings process.
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JULY 15, 1980

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