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EMD-79-107 1 (1979-08-30)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaazqc0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

         WASHINGTON, D C 20548



AUG 3 0 1979

The Honorable Gary Hart 0.
Chairman, Subcommittee on
  Synthetic Fuels
Committee on the Budget
United States Senate      5-

Dear Mr. Chairman:

     This is in response to your letter dated August 13,
1979, requesting an analysis ofLaiternative mechanisms to
reduce oil imports by 19999   You referred to a study we have
prepared for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy, Joint
Economic Committee, and mentioned that the study draws de-
tailed comparisons of the costs of reducing oil imports
through conservation versus producing energy from renewable
sources, conventional coal and oil, exotic sources of fossil
fuels, and synthetic fuels from oil shale and coal. However,
the study, which will be released in the near future, does not
make these explicit cost coTparisons. It does describe how
the administration might (1) evaluate energy conservation
strategies, ranging from voluntary to mandatory actions, based
on expected energy savings and costs, and environmental, eco-
nomic, and social impacts, and (2) select the best specific
policies and programs for implementation. It also provides ex-
amples from existing literature of conservation measures and
the potential energy savings.

     Although we have not performed the overall analysis you
referred to, we would like to (1) offer further perspectives
on a balanced energy program designed to reduce oil imports
by 1990 and (2) provide examples, drawn from our previous
work, of some options to reduce oil imports.


     As we stated in our July 27, 1979, letter to you, con-
servation should rank at least as high in priority as syn-
thetic fuel development. Conservation could have a surer
and more rapid payoff and could be implemented on every
level, from individual citizens, up througn businesses,

      A'k   I,

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