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CED-78-136 1 (1978-08-18)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaaxsh0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


06763 - [B2347416]

rActionF Needed to Make tAe Farmers Hone Administration's
Epergen,;y Disaster aMd Ezergqncy Livestock Credit Loun Programs
More Equitable and Efficient]. CED-78-136; B-114873. August 18,
1978. 3 pp. + enclosure (15 pp.).

Report to Secretary, Department of Agriculture; by Baltas E.
Birkle (for Henry Eschwege, Director, Community and Economic
Development Div.).

Issue Area: Domestic Housing and Community Development (2100)
Contact: Community and Eco   ,ic Development Div.
Budqet Function: Community & - Regional Developnt: Disaster
    Relief and Insurance (453).
organization Concerned: Farmers Home Administration.
Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate
    Committee on igricalture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
Acthority: Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, as
    asendad (7 U.S.L. 1961). Emergenny Livestock Credit Act of
    1)74, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1961). P.L. 95-9.

         A ceview of the operation and administratioL of the
Farmers Hone Adainistration's (FmHA'i) emergency disaster and
emergency livestock credit loan programs in South Dakota shoved
that, although the programs helped eligible farmers and ranchers
continue operations after physical disasters and during adverse
economic conditions, FmHA needs to make the programs more
equitable and efficient. The Secretary of Agriculture should
direct the FmHA Administrator to adequately consider the
borrowers' repayment ability in estatlishing repayment terms for
emergency disaster loans and to reevaluate the agency's practice
of providing loan guarantees only at the maximum legal limit for
the emergency livestock credit program when these loans are made
to refinance existing debts with participating lenders. (SC)

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