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CED-78-137 [i] (1978-07-27)

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06753 - fB21271391

the Alaska [ailroad: Its Management is Being Improved, Its
Future N*eds To Be Decided. CED-78-137; E-1146E6. July 27, 1978.
60 pp. + 2 appendices (13 pp.)

Report to the Conqress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptrcller General.

Issue Area: Transportation Systems and iclicies: Railroad
    Freight Transportation System (24U7).
Contact: Community and Economic DevelcFment Div.
budqet   inction: Commerce and Transportation: Ground
    Transportation (404).
Organization Concerned: Federal Railrcad Administration: Alaska
    Railroad; Department of Transportation.
Conqwessional Relevance: House Cossittee an Interstate ard
     Foreiqn Commuerce; Senate Ccmmittee cm Ccauerce, Science, and
     Iransport4tion; Congress.
Autnority: Economy Act of 1932 (40 U.S.C. 303(t)). budget and
    Accountinq Procedures Act of 1950 (31 L.S.C. 66a). Alaska
    Native Cliims Settlement Act (P.L. 92-203). Railroad
    aevitalizatior. and Begulatory Befczm Act of 1916. Federal
    Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949. 43 U.S.C
    975. 28 U.S.C. 4515. 5 U.S.C. 5584. 41 U.S.C. 2!2(c). -I
    C.F.R. 1. =4 C.F.R. 102. =49 C.F.E. 1320, Rxecutive Crder
    11107. CMB Circular A-25. 0MB Circular A-09. F.P.N. Letter
    630-22. DOT Order 4200.10. B-114E66 (1956). F.I.E. (PED
    10 1-7).

         The Federal Government has owned and operated t,'e
Alaska Railroad (APR) since 1923. The AR has Flayee an
important role in developing Alaska and ir meeting Latictal
defense needs; it has become an integral and essential Fart of
Alaska's transportation system. The ervircEment in %hich the ASR
now operates has changed considerably since 1923, hcwever, and
competing transsortation modes have grcwn rapidly.
indinqs/conclusions: Because it operates in a competitive
environcent, the ability of the ARE to attract cvtczers is
essential. The railroad had management veaknesses, including: no
overall marketing ilan, a tariff structure which did not insure
that it could meet costs and reinvestment needs, and
unreasonably low real estate rental rates, The ARE did not have
an adequate system of internal controls; as a rcault, the
potential foL improper financial transactions existed; Ectential
operatinq revenues were lost; and prcrerty and materials were
not adequately protected. Financial management proc4dur*s and
practices were inadequate, resulting in imaccuraLe and
unreliable accounting data. Pay scales were unrwascmatly bigh in
relation to other Federal agencies in Alaska. Becommerdations:
The Secretary of Transportation should direct the General
Manaqer of the ARE to: periodicall  make a systematic assesment
of transportation needs in its service aiea, develcp a plan for
actively marketing its services, determine the actual ccst of

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