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HRD-78-143 1 (1978-07-26)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaaxps0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                           WASHINGTON, D.C. ,054a!

   DIV1SIO t

      B-164031(2)                                 JULY 26, 1978

      The Honorable Henry A. Waxman
      House of Representatives
      Dear Mr. Waxman:                                      LM106543

           In your 'ay 2, 1977 letter, you asked us to review
      certain aspects of the National Cancer Institute's (NCI;
      carcinogenesis pro'3ram. Through discussions with your
      office, we agreed to respond to your concerns in two
      separate replies. In this first reply we arc providing
      information on

           --the roles and responsibilities of advisory groups
             to the carcinogenesis program and factual data on
             relatfonships between advisory group members and
             organizations that could be affected Dy NCI

           --the extent to which advisory groups enccurage cr
             discourage NCI efforts to conduct an- sponsor
             research in cancer prevention and identification
             of environmental carcinogens, and

           --the effect of the Clearinghouse on Environmental
             Carcinogens on the program.

      You also asked several questions regarding program oper-
      ations. We are continuing our fieldwork on these matters
      and anticipate sending a response to you by August 1978.

           In July 1977 NCI reorganized the carcinogenesis
      program by dividing it into two separate activities--a
      carcinogenesis testing program and a carcinogenesis
      research program. These programs are in NCI's Division
      of Cancer Cause and Prevention (DCCP). The informa-
      tion contained in this report is applicable to both of
      these programs. Our work included reviewing NCI records,
      minutes of advisory group meetings, and discuss 'ons with
      officials of NCI, the White House, the President's
      ancer Panel, the National Cancer Advisory Board, the
      Clearinghouse on Environmental Carcinooens, and the
      Carcinogenesis Program Scientific Review Committee. We

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