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HRD-78-106 1 (1978-04-27)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaaxer0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                          DCCUYNT RESUME
 05893 - [B12462091 ]  4   ({rLEA Sell

 [Activities of the Economic Opportunitiei E_4velopment
 Corporation of Sani Antonio and Bezar County, Teras]. lIBD-78-106;
 B-130515. April 27, 1978. Released May 10, 1978. 6 pp. +
 enclosure (17 pp. .
 Report to Rep. Henzy B. Gonzalaz; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director,
 Human Resources Div.

 Issue Area: Income Security Programs (1300).
 Contact: If-man Resources Div.
 Budqet Function: Income Security: Public Assistance and Cther
     Ipcome Supplements (604).
 Orqanization Concerne&: Community Services Administration;
     Economic Opportunities Development CorF. of San Antonio and
     Bexar County, TX.
 Congressional Relevancei Pep. Henry b. Gonzale2.
 Authority: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973.

          Prcqrams cf the Economic Opportunities Derelopaent
Corporation of San Antonio, Texas., need operating improvements,
including more effective delivery of services, better compliance
with proqram requirements, and the collection of sufficient data
for reportinq program accomplishments. The Alcoholic
Rehabilitation Program benefited participants, but there was
inadequate documentation related to group counseling sessions.
rhe Adult Manpower Program placed 1,478 of 2,560 participants in
Johs after training. Employability development Flans need to be
more comprehensive. The Public Servics Employment Program
provided employment opportunities, bc'  some emrloyment war not
public-service related; some participants remained in sutsidized
jobs for up to 2 years. Other pxograns reviewed were the
Alternate Care Program, which contract was terminated, and the
Barrio Betterment and Development Corpcration. In relation to
the corporation's financial and administrative activities:
information concerning alleged improper political activities was
turned over to the Justice Department; the financial management
system needs to be strengthened to provide internal control over
expenditure of funds; and a leasing company was not established
in accordance with procedures. The Director of the Ccmmunity
Services Administration should monitor financial and
administrative activities. The Director of the Naticnal
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and klcohclis shculd more closely
monitor data collection procedures. The Secretary ct Labcx
sh'vuld monitor the Adult Manpower Prcgras to ensure follcwups on
P4rticipants. (HTh)

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