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LCD-78-108 1 (1978-04-24)

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05805 - f B12261681 $L...tr*00Q  kECA)6

The Air Force Continued To Develop the Advanced Logistic-
System, a Program It Uas Directed To Cancel. LCD-78-108.
8-163074. April 24, 1978. 30 pp. + 2 appendices (4 pp.).

Report to Rep. John E. Ross; Rep. Charles Bcse; by Elmer E.
Staats, Comptroller General.

Issue Area: Military Prepar~ness Plans: Military Communications
    and Information Processing Needs (803); Automatic Data
    Processing: Changeover to Other ADP Systems (107);Fcderal
    Procurement of Goods and Services: Notifying the Cengress of
    Status of Important Procurement Prcgrams (i05).
Contact: Logistics and Communications Div.
Budget Function: National Def.ense: Department cf Defense -
    Frocurement & Contracts 1058); Miscellaneous: 3utomatic Data
    Processing (1001) .
Organization concerned: Department of Lefense; repartmect cf the
    Air Force.
congressional Relevance: Rep. John B. Moss; Rep. Charles Rcse.
Authority: Lspartment of Defense Appropriation Act [of] 1976.

         In December 1975, the House and Senate Committees on
Appropriations instructes the Air Force to terminate the design
and development of its Advanced Logistics System ALS), to
auqment its real-time logistical computers, and to continue only
nondeferrable mission-essential projects until a complete
assessment of its logistical information requirements was
completed and a plan for a new system was prepared.
Findings/Conclusions: Despite congressional instructions to the
contrary, the Air Force proceeded with the ALS program. Nhile
the Air Force discontinued work on about 82 data systems, major
pcrtiors of the program which were in various stages of planing
and development when the program was cancelled were continuee.
TAe yoLk was approved by the Air Force, and the Secretary
r.ormally endorsed the work following development of ain interim
plan. Fundin was largely provided from the oper.Licns and
maintenance account and did not require line item approval by
the Congress. From December 1975 to Cctoter 1977, the Air Force
spent about $7 million on systems modifications, majcr
redesiqns, and new systems developments. The AiL Zorce bas
planninq to spend $54 million to acquire new automated data
processing equipment, about $44 millicn of whicl. was to be spent
in noncompetitive acquisitions. The Cfice of t1-ue Comptroller of
the Department of Defense was aware of the Air korce's actions
and was highly critical of them. congressional directives and
fu.idinq restrictions were not legally binding; however, such of
the Air Forcels expenditures regarding systems developmnst did
iot conform with congressional committees' instructions to limit
funding to mission-essential support. (8S)

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