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LCD-78-324 1 (1978-03-30)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaawwa0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

05347 - (09058391
[administration of the Military minor Construction Program
Requires Compliazce with Rather Than Amendment of 10 0.S.c.
267e]. LCD-78-32, ; B-133316. March 30@ 1976. 2 pp.
Report to Sen. Gary Naito Chairman, Senate Committee on armed
Services: Military Construction end Stockpiles Subcommittee

lssue Areas Facilities and material Management (700.
ContLct! Logistics and Comaunications Div.
Budget function: National Defense: Depaatment of Defense -
    military (except pro-#rement 6 contracts) (051).
organization Concerned: Departaent of Defense.
Congressional Relevances Senate Comittee an Armed Sevvia*:
    Military Construction and Stockpiles Subcommitt- . Son. Gary
authority: Military CoastrAction authorization Act (of] 1978. 10
    U.s.C. 2674.
         The report, uQuestionable Practices of the military
Minor Construction Programps noted that the nuv legislative
language in 10 U.S.C. 2674 is comparable to the language of
existing Department of Defense (DOD) regulations. Previous
r~comaeadations regarding the administration of the program kave
not affected DOD compliance. The success of the new legislation
dopends on DOD's admnirtration of the new aut4ority* especially
amendments ectablishing congressional prenotification and
defining the term *project.m Further changes to the legislation
would be premature until the effect of the amendments can be
determined. The Committee should ephasize to DOD officicle that
correction of past practices requires clear administrative
guidance, command emphasis, and a strong and continuing internal
audit proqram. (TI)

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