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ID-78-20 1 (1978-02-17)

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05065 - (505855041

1The American University in Cairo: alternatives for O.S.
Government Support. ID-78-20; B-I56766. Felbrarl 17, 1978. 2 -pp.
* 3 appendices (29 pp.).

Report to Sen. Daniel A. Inouye, Cbairuan, Senate Committee *n
Appropriations: Foreiqn Operations Subcommittee; )by 3ler B.
Staats. Comptroller General.

Contact: International Div.
Budget Function: Edcation, ianpower, azd Social Services:
    Niqher Education (151); International Iffairs: Foreign
    Economic and Financial Assistance (502).
Orqanization Concerned: Agency for international Development;
    American University in Cairo (egypt).
Conqressional Relevauice: House Committee on laternational
    Relations; Senate Committee on Appr pciatioas: Peseign
    Operations Subcommittee; Senate Committee o Foreign
    Relations. Sen. Daniel L Iaouye.
Authority: Foreign Assistance Act of 1961v as amended.

         The University Educational Endoument Fued of the
ameAican University in Cairo. zg pt, was established in 1976 by
the Agency for International Development (11D vith a local
currency qxeas  equivalent to $36 nillion. 2he Undoument Fund was
intended to earn income to support the University k;y investing
in Egyptian enterprises and business ventures. An audit by AID
in July 1976 revealed serious management, financial# and
operational deficiencies in the Pund's administration and
questioned whether such investment was feasible given the
uncertain economic climate in Egypt. Findings/Conclusions: U.S.
officials in Egypt strongly support continued financial
assistance for the American University in Cairo and believe that
the University contributes greatly to United Stetes-Bgjpt
relations. Although AID's severe criticisms of the 3ndoument
Fund administration were valid. circumstances In gypt appoax to
have chanqed since the 1unds original investments were mad.,
and the investment climate is greatly improved. Ean of the
managerial and administrative shortcomings have bean corrected
or improved. To be succqssful, the fund needs good neatnent
critecia and adequate supervision by the University's Board of
Trustees. It also needs to %3ar investment goals towaxd
income-proeiucing investments which will provide needed cash
revenues. alternative considerations involve liquidation of the
fund, replenishment r'f the tund, and a long-term loan.
Recommendations: The Administrator of AID should consider the
alternatives. especially a loan and, in consultation with
appropriate congressional committeea. implement a strategy for
financial assistance that will satisfy the log-ters needs of
the University at an acceptable level of cost and rLsk to the
U.S. Government. He should also: see that the University's Board
of Trustees adopts and uses investuent criteria fo potential

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