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HRD-77-52 1 (1977-02-18)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaavnu0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                         DOC UMENT US11
00514 - A1051718J (Restricted)
(Answers to Questions ROSArding Swine Flu  trual. HRD-77-52;
B-164031(5). February 18. 1977. 3 pp.
Report to Rope John 3. Boss, Chairman, House Committee on
interstate and Foreign Commerce: Overnight and Investigations
Subcommittee; by Robert F. Kellerv Acting Ccptrcller General.
Issue Area: Health Programs: laxly Diagnosis and Dissent Control
Contact: Human Resources Div.
Budget Function: Health: Health Care Services (551); Health:
    Preventia and Control of Health Problem'; (553).
organization Concerned: Department of Health# Zd :eation. and
    elfare; Center for Disease Control; Parke, Davis and Co.
Congressional Relevance: House Committee on £ntrsztate and
    Foreign Commerce: oversight and Investigations S s.hcomaittee.
         a previo.s GAO review of ihe s.4. o flu program raised
questions about total program cost, ezecuticn of contracts ith
vaccine anaufacturers, and access to manufacturers' records by
GAO. Findings/Conclusions: Of the $135 Pillion appropriated for
the program, the Center for Disease Control set aside $100
million for the purcLase of vaccine, S26 million for grants Io
states, and $9 mili.on lr administcative and other expencis.
Since vaccine productlsh ceased as of January 15, 1977, the
cen-et had obligateQ ,aly about $66 million for vaccine
puclese   as of Febraary 15, 1977. Other funds set aside have
been or vill be expended. Some program costs were not paid for
fre, the S135 million appropriated. As of February 14, 1977,
none of the vaccine manufactuxern had signed final contracts.
contract signing has been delaye pending an Internal Revenue
Service ruling on whether insurance fads which are reimbursable
to the government are taxable. Additional delays have resulted
from a dispute between Parke, Davis and Company and the Center
concerning the cost ot & vaccine developed for another type of
influenza. Some manufacturers have denied access to records by
GAO as provided iu contracts and this matter is under
litigation. (HTU)

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