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GAO-09-714R 1 (2009-06-17)

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   GA 0
TM    WAccountability * Integrity * Reliability
United States Government Accountability Office
Washington, DC 20548

         June 17, 2009

         Brigadier General William J. Leszczynski, Jr. USA (Retired)
         Executive Director
         American Battle Monuments Commission

         Subject: American Battle Monuments Commission: Management Action Needed to
                  Improve Internal Control Procedures

         Dear General Leszczynski:

         On February 27, 2009, we issued our report expressing our opinion on the American
         Battle Monuments Commission's (the Commission) fiscal years 2008 and 2007
         financial statements and our opinion on the Commission's internal control as of
         September 30, 2008.' We also reported on the results of our tests of the Commission's
         compliance with selected provisions of laws and regulations during fiscal year 2008.
         We reported that the Commission maintained, in all material respects, effective
         internal control over financial reporting (including safeguarding of assets) and
         compliance as of September 30, 2008.

         During our fiscal year 2008 audit, we identified accountability and internal control
         deficiencies that, while not individually or in the aggregate material to the
         Commission's financial statements, warrant management's attention. The purpose of
         this report is to present these deficiencies, to provide recommendations to address
         these matters, and to provide an overview of the status of our prior year findings and
         recommendations. Because of the sensitive nature of some of the issues we
         identified, we are communicating detailed information regarding our findings and
         recommendations on information systems and physical security in a separately
         issued Limited Official Use Only report.

         Results in Brief

         During our fiscal year 2008 financial statement audit, we identified 13 control
         deficiencies related to accounting procedures of the American Battle Monuments
         Commission (the Commission). These issues existed at Commission headquarters, its
         European Regional (ER) and Mediterranean Regional (MR) offices, and its Manila
         American Cemetery. Specifically:

         'GAO, Financial Audit: American Battle Monuments Commission's Financial Statements for Fiscal
         Years 2008 and 2007, GAO-09-293 (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 27, 2009).

GAO-09-714R ABMC 2008 Public Management Report

Page 1

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