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AIMD-00-267R 1 (2000-08-15)

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        Accountability * Integrity * Reliability
United States General Accounting Office                          Accounting and Information
Washington, DC 20548                                                   Management Division


         August 15, 2000

         The Honorable William V. Roth, Jr.
         Chairman, Committee on Finance
         United States Senate

         Subject: Analysis of the Administration's Proposal to Ensure Solvency of the United
                 Mine Workers of America Combined Benefit Fund

         Dear Mr. Chairman:

         In your March 9, 2000, letter you asked us to review the administration's proposal to
         ensure the solvency of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) Combined
         Benefit Fund. Specifically, you asked that we analyze the impact of the
         administration's proposal to (1) extend the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation
         (AML) fees, (2) reverse the effects of National Coal v. Chater (National Coal),
         (3) reverse the effects of Dixie Fuel Company v. Social Security Administration
         (Dixie Fuel), and (4) appropriate federal funds. In addition, you asked that we
         provide some general background information on the operations, governance
         structure, benefit structure, and historical and projected financial position of the

         As you know, in 1992, more than 100,000 UMWA retirees and their dependents were
         in danger of losing their health benefits. The Congress responded by enacting the
         Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act (P.L. 102-486), which established the
         Combined Benefit Fund (Fund') to pay these health benefits. More recently, the
         Fund has been experiencing financial difficulties due to rising costs and a financing
         mechanism that has been negatively affected by recent court decisions. In November
         1999, the Congress responded to the Fund's financial difficulties by appropriating to
         the Fund $68 million in interest from the AML Fund in the Consolidated
         Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (P.L. 106-113).

         To provide the information you requested and address your specific questions, we
         (1) interviewed fund officials and other affected parties, (2) examined applicable
         statutes and regulations, and (3) reviewed the Fund's audited financial statements
         and actuarial projections. We did not independently verify underlying data or

         'The Fund is a multi-employer plan as defined by the Financial Accounting Standards Board in
         Financial Accounting Standard (FAS) 106 and has annual audits by independent auditors, which
         include actuarial projections of the Fund's unfunded liability.

GAO/AIMD-00-267R United Mine Workers of America

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