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B-125187 1 (1973-03-20)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaaggu0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548

   B-125187                                      VAR 2 0 1973

   The Honorable James V. Stanton
   House of Representatives                            LM096431

-- Dear Mr. Stanton:

         In your letter dated January 12, 1973, you asked for
    information on the additional costs the Federal Government
    would_icllr.inaintaining the National Industrial Equipment
    Reserve (NIER) if the school loan prpgramwVere terminated.
    You questioned weetler terminat ing A the school loan program
    would result in direct costs to the Government which would
    exceed the cost now incurred to operate the program.

         Of the $1.8 million budgeted for NIER by the General
   Services Administration (GSA) in fiscal year 1972, about
   $500,000 was budgeted for the school loan program according
   to GSA officials. About $1.3 million was budgeted for other
   functions, such as storage costs, packing, handling, mainte-
   nance, and warehouse operations.

         There were about 8,200 pieces of machinery on loan to
    schools as of September 30, 1972. Department of Defense
    (DOD) officials furnished us with cost estimates for storing
    and maintaining these 8,200 pieces of machinery, if recalled
    from the schools. DOD provided these estimates for both con-
    trolled humidified storage and general-purpose storage for
    I- and 5-year periods. General-purpose storage sites would
    have to be used until controlled humidified storage becomes
    available. DOD's estimate is enclosed.

         Our reply is directed to the six questions listed in
   your letter.

   1.  Ihat costs would be incurred by the
         Government to maintain this machinery
         in working order if they .ere removed
         from the schools?

         To maintain the machinery in working order, the equipment
    must be preserved and properly stored. Controlled humidified

                                 )E~ST Dor'T Nf  VAN ARP

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