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B-110497 1 (1973-02-20)

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                         WASHINGTON, D.C. W348

B-110497                                          FEB 20 1973

Dear Mr. Chairman:

     Public Law 91-189 authorized expdUse of a gyplying      K
fund available to the United States Civil Service Commission.
It requires the Comptroller General to report to the Senate
and House Committees on Pos-t Office and Civil Service at
least once every 3 years on the activities financed through
the revolvingofund. A sf larf e i'_t~I being sent today to
the-Chairman, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee.
On October 13, 1972, we discussed our audit plans with your
Committee and told them that we are reviewing the Commission's
training and investigative activities, which are the principal
activities financed by the fund. We will make these reports
on our reviews available to your Committee when they are com-
pleted. We believe the following information concerning the
activities of the revolving fund will interest you. Financial
data appearing on pages 4, 5, and 7 have been taken from the
Civil Service Commission's records without audit by us.


     Initially, a revolving fund for Commission use was es-
tablished under the Third Supplemental Appropriation Act of
1952 (approved June 5, 1952, 66 Stat. 107, ch. 369). This
act authorized working capital of $4 million to finance in-
vestigation activities authorized by Public Law 298, 82d
Congress, approved April 5, 1952. Public Law 91-189 author-
ized the revolving fund to finance not only investigations
but also training and such other functions as the Commission
is authorized or required to perform on a reimbursable basis.
This authorization is restricted to those functions in any
fiscal year which are covered by budget estimates submitted
to the Congress for that fiscal year. An additional $1 mil-
lion in working capital was authorized by Public Law 92-49 to
finance the expansion of revolving fund activities.

     Public Law 91-189 provides that advances and reimburse-
ments to the fund shall be at rates the Commission estimates
as adequate to recover operating expenses. It further pro-
vides that any unobligated and unexpended balances in the fund
which the Commission determines to exceed amounts needed for
activities by the fund shall be deposited with the Treasury of
the United States as miscellaneous receipts.

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