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FOD-76-15 1 (1976-05-17)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaaeii0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

PESTRICTED - Not to be rc.~d ristslda 14io'3a  r~
4.kccounin~g  e~C xce~t on tI1C   of spe-c-~inc op
by tile Cffice of Conrrc~i- .; vs            oqo L I D~I




     Cnai rman
S     ommittee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries.
     house of Representatives
  .  Subcommittee on the Pa'iama Canal
     Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
     House of R-Drese2ntativs

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        In your letter of February 2, 1976. you asked us to          -O
   comment on several questions relating to certain a;count~ing
   and other financial practices of the P. aina Caril oirganiza-
%- tion; i.e., the Panama Canal Company -nd the Cana) one Gov-
   eznme. c, Your questions and our comments thereon are nr-
   sented beic.-.

   I.   Accounting changes in fisciJ years 1973 thrcuqh '975.

        1. lihat would the lirnract on fiscal year 1973 tilrouq 1975
           Canal finnces have been if Che Can.l oTCjo ; .tcr had
           not made the various accounting changes tLnt were im-
           plementee during those years?

        The effect of the various accounting rhanges on the
   Canal orqanization's expenses for fiscal year 1973 through
   ,175 is shown in enclosure I. We estimate that th  tccount-
   ing changes had the effect of increasing the Canal organiza-
   tion's expenses by about $30 million over the 3-year period.
   Since the Company absorbs the net cost of the Canal Zone
   Government and the effect of the governme.,t's accountin .
   changes is thereby generally reflected in the Cumpany's finan-
   cial statements, we have consolidated the effects o1 the vari-
   ous accounting changes for our reply.

        It is noted, however, that, although the accountina
   cnanges increased expenses by about $30 million ovtor the
   3-.vear period, their impact on the operating lone:. of the
   Company was not in the same amount. Tn corputinq tht- in-
   creased toll rates which were implemeited in vscaJ year
   1975, the Company included the estimated effect of tric ari-
   ous accounting changes. Thus the additional ux['int:e. re-
   sulting from the changes were recovered, to a carwtar' eytrnt,
   through the increase in tolls revenue in fiscal yn r 1975.

        2. Does the GAO believe that the Canal crganLzatior has
           revised its accounting practices appronr ntly to
           make changes leading to decreased current iesenr as
           well as increase, ones?


Mao, -71


Ci 9 0-6-10


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