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B-179257 1 (1973-08-03)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaadju0001 and id is 1 raw text is: a *,      •TbOLZR                        UtJIENAL. 7 THtE UNITID STATES
   It                                       I

               R17997                            August 3, 1973              ,
                                                                  31 ,    o

                Ite Norsble Dcrnld I# Johnson
                Adnitrator, Vetems Admanitration

                baer Ni. Johnsons

                    Reerence is va    to letter 1340 dtd july 18, 19T73, Iith
                enclosures, from the Director, Dapply Servicep Department ot
                Medicine and urgery, aequestir Inr decision as to the laction
                to be taken concerning an-errcr fleediby ReonL Corporation
                to have been made in its bMi. idtch vas accepted on JUne 27#

                    The Veterans Administration 'A)fltal, Bedfozd, asaachuaetts,
                by invitation for bids Nfo. 51b-73-f17p requested bids on project
                No, 801 that called for alteratonu and expansion of closed 'Lr-
                cult TV facilities located in etveral buildings. Xv rlsponses
                the Donal Corporatlon .utnitted a bid offering to furnish the
                required materials and services for the aggregate tottil asm of
                n9441# %he o  y other bid, in the aggregate total aiount of
                  2,147, via submitted by Chistopher lectrical Co., Lia. The
               Ooyerm=it estimate indicates the cost range of the projct to be
               beteen 453 OO and F0oO00.

                    in uraluatins the bids- the contracting officer mispected that
               tRnal. bad maude an error in Its bid price of 2,0101, since the price
               'eu :Ak perctnt lower than the only other bid of $2,147 and 24 per-
               cent lover tCen the amount o? the Goverment'a estimate, The con-
               tracting officer talked with Kr. Ronald A. Leyrggi, president kcf
               the Ronal Corporation9 on Jume 25, 1973, Mnd advised him that h
               uuspected a possible mistake in the corporation's bid because it was
               oonaiderably lower then the next loest bid and it ais lover than
               the Oovmnnent'n ertimate. Mr. Levaggi stated that because 80 per-
               cent o the york to be perforied was electrical work, he would
               check with his; electrical subcontractor and call back the cottract.N
               o cer. On JOie 26, 19739 Mr. Leveggi called the contracting office
               and verified his bid prIce as being correct. A notice of award w
               mdaod to Donal on June 27g 1973.


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