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B-178746 1 (1973-10-09)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaadez0001 and id is 1 raw text is:                             4>
  9.   .9                                            1

64                            toWASHIHNGTO D,C, S S 'L

                                                   OCT   9 1973.

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            Si , Va'rese tiut maitW.

          apwe odenw*,in vbich you protaated nauinsttha murd of a omract

            YolProte   *6. 1ed coJenhegatictt  the 1wst bidder#
       (  altht ConrtwicM Stied to fumlhhe8vJw=x iddwh wr wne4at-w

       f'or tbo 10M)131co~ntous oj.Tltca t i  eeltled Xiy th~e eoltlttlon, As
       a rebflt theeo i  towrt oUtawd it $1ttrfJ O a , mt, e ovr tcnotber
       biornoancs vn avte y pcrott.
       d    A to thesle catenti,   2- ==ruQ vl the a~ligt  repora to
          theoUr prewe base4orthe ntleatiw,,onrtha thementhtM

       f ltnogbasi Corotw, in tie to ndeot ferthI   ictn onioinsteat4'
   S   tho pwoteat filed by In- rol Divilon, A4= orport.iz (copy r nle)p
   *  brth bidde D ro not reqrid by t   ipotaiod'im to  uirt oicrtAs
        *Vrieuc theortitonli oriirW a$1ect of tho e pro rt they wore
        bormgs inc amache tortcoatoSvan wtre. and n, w van act
/         miabod byYun tollcht, thera vas no basn i <c- ymm a~ezation thtt
        FhW~ht intendad~to furnir, inadequate nA ensFurther# sinooe aoll t'n
        .lowbidwast thesuloten  wunoditioned Q   e rdouldoblote it to
      ftmisb he oloc     ed poduat regvleaa of Lts actualubjeative .Ugea*
              ]  m  ntj ou O/T~ce has emsUur so thVne± epostion that•
       theoipm   tin aotivior has th ItOf Amyen ilt    r  d atng
       wa' nibcasist v brch eflegatt. Ae ucttrtl elesot e tGojntt4
       oUia the rawncrty of datenj c     ete ofthe produat othyw
       xot ta lica ochinfonn4at oc wasen.t re aire4 sail3wow*we aetily
       fuiob~d yixtolicht, toro vmn noclbarl Vyour1flga~o th *tw

       Zatni w   vrittan, cor   1i   e beitf:fa, dow tiszvmit tbat9a.
       .t po  rig atvito  aohe notobjpritmr  rialt33,93st & ralfotin

         ntcc_.s rtoo         x /cat o~jotxtd            o L'. ,o thor ,.,s ,

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