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PSAD-77-71 1 (1977-02-10)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaacao0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                          DOCUBENT RESOJNE
 01118 - [A0751237]
 (Alleged Irregularities in the Subcontract Award for A.rcraft
 Shelter Program in the United Kingdom]. PSAD-77-71; B-181633.
 Febtuary 10, 1977. Released larch 18, 1977. 6 Fp.

 report to Sen. Henry M. Jackson; Sen. Alan Cranston; by Robert
 F. Keller, Deputy Comptroller Geneal.
 Response to Former Senator John V. Tunney.

 Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900);
    International Economic and military Programs (600).
Contxct: Procurement and Systems Acquisition Div.
Budget Function: National Defense: Department of Defense -
    Procurement 6 Contracts (058); National Defense:
    Defense-related Activities (054); International Affairs:
    Foreign Economic and Financial Assistance (151).
organization concerned: Department of the Air Force; Karvais
    Steel Co.
congressional Relevance: Sen. Henry H. Jackson; Sen. Alan

         The United States$ role in the procurement of 83
tactical aircraft shelters at four air bases occupied by the
United States in England was questioned, particulaz;ly whether
the United States$ interests were properly represented by the
British Department of the Environment. Concern was expressei
over the selection of an Italian firm to subcontract steel
components rather than Karwais International, S.A.
Findings/Conclusions: The Air Force and the Dri':   Departaent
of Environment acte% according to existing agre(,, .ts and
procurement regulations to protect the United Sta'ces' interests.
Marwais International, a subsidiary of Barwais Steel Co. of
Richaoud, Californ.a, was given an equitable cbance to
participate as a subcontractor. There was no evidencu of
Arab-boycott influence over the subcontractor selection,
although marwais is owned by a Jewish family. (RRS)

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