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FPCD-76-77 1 (1977-04-08)

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00671 - (A10520061

System for P-ocessing Individual E4cual Enplcymei7t Opportunity
DiscrisinItion Complaints: Improveasnts Needed. E-178929;
FPCD-76-77. April 8, 1977. 91 pp.

Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, CcmptrollEr General.

Issue Area: Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Programs
     (302) ; Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Programs:
     Employment Discrimination in the Federal Sector (1000);
     Personnel Management and Compensation: Equal Employment
     Opportunity (1004).
Contact: Federal Personnel and Compensation Div.
Budget Function: General Government: Central Personnel
    Management (805).
Organization Concerned: Civil Service Commission; Department of
Congressional Relevance: Congress; House Committee on Education
    and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Putlic Welfare.
2-thority:   (86 Stat. 103; Equal Employment Cpportunity Act of
    1972; 42 U.S.C. 2000e; P.L. 92-261). Fair lator Standards
    Amendments of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 633a; P.L. 93-259, sec.
    28(b) (2)). Executive Order 11246. Executive Crder 11375.
    Executive Order 11478. Age 1'1criminaticn in Employment Act
    of 1967. Civil Rights Act o- 1964, titlr VII, as amended.

         Although the Civil Service Commission has established
an extensive system for processing individual discrimination
complaints, many aspects of the system need imprcvement.
Findings/Conclusions: At nine Federal agencies and departments,
the planping akid actions taken to make sure that discrimination
complaint system objectives are met can be improved in several
areas: management commitment, structure within the agency, and
determining financial resources required and analyzing staff
needs and qualifications. The nine agencies reviewed did i.,t
have reliable data on the costs of operating their
discrimination complaints systems and Government-wide cost data
was not adequate. A variety of problems regarding fairness and
impartiality, timeliness, and complaint resoluticn were noted.
Neither the Commission nor the agencies reviewed have adequately
reviewed and evaluated the discrimination complaint systems.
Sound reviews and evaluations are nc possible at this tiie
because adequate data are lacking. Decommendaticns: The
Chairman zf the Civil Service Commission shculd emphasize that
agencies should properly plan and implement t'eir discrimination
complaint systemE. The Chairman and the heads of the nine
agenicies reviewed should take action to improve their reviews
and evaluations of complaint systems. The Chairman should also
develop criteria for and assess the effectiveness and efficiency
of agencies' complaint systems that consider qualitative and
cost aspects in additicn to timeliness consideration.

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