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FPCD-77-23 1 (1977-02-28)

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00656 - (A0b914551

Action Needed to Hake the Executive Branch Financial Disclosure
System Effective. B-103987; FPCD-77-23. February 28, 1977. 4q
Report to the Congress; by Robert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller

Issue Area: Personnel Hanagemen* and Compensation (300).
Contact: Federal Personnel and Compensation Dir.
Budget Function: General Government: Central Personnel
    Management (805).
Organization Concerned; Civil Service Commission.
Congr 'sional Relevance: Congress; House Committee on Post
    Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on Post Office
    and Civil Service.
Authority: Federal Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C.
    154(L.il. Executive Order 11222. 5 C.F.R. 735. 18 U.S.C.
    208(b). 30 U.S.C. 6. 43 U.S.C. 11. 43 U.S.C. 31. 49 U.S.C.
    1321(b). 5 U.S.C. 53(!I).

         Basic changes ere needed in the executive branch
enforcement of financial disclosure reporting requirements.
Findings/Conclurions- Executive Order 11222 prescribed standards
of ethical conduct for Government officers and employees and
directed the Civil Service Commission to establish guidelines
for agency financial disclosure systems. The executive branch
conflict-of-interest program can no longer be managed on an ad
hoc basis with limited support anu insufiicient xesoirces. Many
potential conflicts were obvious in statements which were filed,
but were not questioned by the prsons who reviewed the
statements or were not resolved. Eany employees who were
required to file statements failed to do so or filed late. Many
were not required to file, although they should have been.
Recommendations: The  -isident should-, issue a cl,,ar statPent
to the heads of all ex..Jutive departments and agencies setting
forth a firm commitmbnt to the highest standards of ethical
cond'ct; establish an executive branch office of ethics with
adequate resources to address the prcblems cf enforcement and
coaplia, ce; amend the Executive Order to clearly def-.ne the
terms conflict substantially and substanti&lly atfected; alAd
amend the order to require all designated employees to disclose
additional types of data and to require the collection of
information necessary to enforce agency conflict-of-interest
laws and administrative prohibitions. (Author/SC)

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