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RED-76-63 1 (1976-01-26)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaabjw0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

        WASHINGTON, D.C- 20548


*    B-133192                                              LM098305

    The Honorable Russell E. Train
    Environmental Protection Agency

    Dear Mr. Train:

          GAO nas reviewed EPA's basis for determining whether
     safety and efficacy data submitted by pesticide registrants
     is complete, accurate, and reliable for registering pesti-
     cides and establishing tolerances (the maximum pesticide
     residues allowed in food). EPA uses safety data to evaluate
     the hazards a pesticide poses and to determine whether the
     pesticide can be used without unreasonable adverse effects
     on man and the environment. It. uses efficacy data to deter-
     mine whether the pesticide, when used as directed, will ef-
     fectively control the target pest.


     EPA, in determining pestici&e safety and efficacy,
relies primarily on tests made by nongovernmental labora-
tories and paid fo, by pesticide registrants. EPA has no
program to accredit and/or inspect these laboratories to
insure that they have the requisite personnel and facilities
to make accurate and reliable tests.

     Other Government agencies which use d.ata from
nongovernmental laboratories have 'ongoing accreditation/
inspection programs to provide such insurance. For example,
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has drug-
testing requirements analogous to pesticide-testing require-
ments, has inspected some of the same laboratories that have
made health studies supporting pesticide registration. FDA
has questioned the validity of studies from these labora-
tories because of (1) inadequate supervision and internal
control of'tests, (2) questionable procedures, and (3) poor
recordkeeping. Because FDA has found deficiencies in some
of the same laboratories EPA used, we believe that EPA
should consider establishing its own accreditation/inspection

    ..We made our review in the Washington, D.C., area,
primarily at EPA headquarters and at FDA. We also talked
to officials of other. Fe,&.ial agencies which rely on test


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