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RED-76-143 1 (1976-07-08)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaabie0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                        WASHINGTON. O.C. Z034


B-164031(4)                           JUL  8 1976

The Honorable Frank Church
Chairman, Special Committee on Aging 5'
United States Senate

Dear Mr. Chairman:

     Your September 2, 1975, lettet requested that we look
into certain al. .gations made hy Mr. N. 11. Wolkomir, presi- -&
dent of t!2e National Federation of Federa Employees, concern- 13
ing the Social Security Administration. ThE.e ailegations,       2 6
primarily directel at Social Security Administration field
opezations in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area, w;ere thar

     --progress has not been made to elilinate work t.ocK--

     --a 54-hour workweek was created by mandatory over-

     --overtime-has demoralized workers, and

     --headquarters has resisted the neeJ to increase

A National Fede:ation of Federal ETnloyees official told us
that these allegations were 4n re3ponsv to the testimony
of the Social Security Admi-irtration CommissionerL . fore
ycur committee in May 1975.

     There are three Social Security Administration field
offices in Cincinnati--thr Downtown District Office, the
Peebles Corner Branch of the Downtown Cffice, and the Nort'
District Office. There is also a telerommun'cations center
(not inc.uded in our review) outside the city, servicing all
the field offices in the greater Cinciniati area.
     We reviewed selected operationa per ormed from January
1975 through January 1976 by each Cincintati field office.
We met with responsible officials -.f the 3 field office!s,
the area director respo-isible for 2O Sociil Security Aamin-
istration offices in Ohio, includinq those in Cincinnati,
the president of local 75 of *-he National Fi-deration of



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