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FGMSD-75-50 1 (1975-07-30)

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                               WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548



       Tre Honc,-able James L. Cowen

       Chairman, Railroad Retirement Board

       Dear Mr. Cowen:

            We reviewed the accounting system of the Railroad Retirement
        Board (RR3) to determine whether it was beinq operated in accord-
        ance with thE design approved by the C 'mptroller General in 1971.

            Except as noted in tnic report, tne accounting system was
        heiig op;rated in accordance wito the system design approved by
        tne omtroiler General and apcaars to be suisLantially in comp'i-
        ance with Ln/e principles, stana:'s , Gn related requireisorts
        prescribed by Lne Comptroller Genera!.

            Our conciusion is based o, a review, includ,ng limitnd tests
       of the procedures ased tc control and acco.,nt for revenues drd cot-
       lections, disbursemenes, oriigations, and prop,.rty; the accounting
       procedures useu in maintainirg the ger.e ral lfdyer and 'hr sUb;idiary
       cost ledger; and the effectiveness of the accounting system in pro-
       , cing financial information useful to rianagemont. A s'-pa-e' review
       Is oeing ;ade of the manual and automafic JuU)a processing- c;iotrol in
       tne retiremeat and unemployment benefit pyy:rrts ;ystem and .i I be
       the suoject. of another report.

       :IjTER:1AL REVIEW4 OF
       CC:J TA3L LJFF1C0ERS' FiJTCTiN:S A:.%

            The RRB did not provide for in':erna review coverane o.i a
       cyclical basis of accountable officer  unctons and financial re-
       po'ts. The Chief E -ecu tive '-ff-er i , , - us tna  neconcurred
       in our observations and that the irternal auu!t staff -ii 1 j repare
       a plan for systematic review of therl.

            The Congress recognize2 t,.e role and isef, ness of int2rnal
       auditing in section 113 of tie 3udqet and Accoijut Ling Prys d res Act
       of 1950  nicn provideL in part, that tne nead of each executive
       agency shall estaIish aid ,aintain s.stems of accounting and in-
       ternal cortrol designea to provice effectiie con.ro, over and
       ac-f.I':2 -A ity for all funds, proper-.,., d otner assets for wriicn
       I the .)cency is -esponsible, inclujing 1pprcorate internal audit.

                  }i~~ BTAALABLE

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