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PSAD-76-160 1 (1976-07-23)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaaajr0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 2O4W

    B-178214                             JUL    1976

    The Honorable Tack Eckerd
    Administrator of General Services,
       General Services Administration

     Dear Mr. E:kerd:

          We have completed a survey to dete:mine how civilian
    Government agencies are imp'enenting life cycle costing (LCC),
    a procurement technique for evaluatinq tze total cost of
    a product over its useful life.

          This report highlights the General Services Administra-
     tion's acconplishments and steps GSA should consider to
     further prorote tne use of this technique.

          In our report entitled Ways to Make Greater Use of
     the Life Cycle Costing Acquisition Technique in DOD, dated
     May 21, 1973, (B-178214), we conclided that civilian agencies
     could also benefit from LCC. GSA, in itz reply, recognized
     that the LCC oncept had merit and that a study of its
     application would be *., tiated. In December 1973, the GSA
     study team recommended starting an LCC program and beginning
     a pilot project.

          Life cycle costing and other innovative techniques
     could help in saving money on future Guve.rnment procurements.
     A simplified illustration of LCC for auto tires follows:
                                           Product A   Product B

          Ixitial cost                      $ 30         $ 40

          Maintenance and support cost         -            -

          Expected mileage                   20,000       30,000

          Cost per 1,000 miles                1.50         1.33

     A wide range of cost elements Tray affect the overall cost of
     ownership. An: .uation kor determining cost over the useful

           FH~e~c ~& ~w~~ni~;-z4'i ~4~-.e C1c~.. cd-i~JPSAD-76-160

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