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B-114850 1 (1973-04-27)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaaada0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 
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                  COMPTROLLER GENERAL OFT   BRITFI1+A   0s sYU
                             WASHINGTON. D C 20548

B-114850                RFELEASED                 APR 2 7 1973

The Honorable Joe L. Evins, Chairman
Subcommittee on Public Works Appropriations
Committee on Appropriations
House of Representatives

Dear Mr. Chairman:

     In accordance with your request of December 18, 1972, and subsequent
arrangements with your office, we have prepared this report on an alter-
native to the present requirements for repayment of the Federal invest-
ment in the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) electric power system which
would tend to reduce or postpone future power rate increases.

     We estimate that use of this alternative repayment method from
fiscal year 1974 through fiscal year 2014 could result in savings of
about $287 million to TVA's power customers without any net interest
cost to the Treasury.

     TVA's repayment requirements are a policy matter for the Congress
 to decide and, in presenting this alternative approach, we do not intend
 to suggest that the present requirements are unreasonable. They have
 evolved over a period of years and give consideration to the unique
 history and changes in TVA's electric power operations and financing
 procedures. However, the alternative repayment approach, as we have
 described, could be adapted to TVA's repayment requirements il the
 Congress decides that a change is warranted.


      From TVA's inception in 1933 to June 30, 1960, the Government in-
vested in TVA's power program through appropriations, bond purchases,
and property transfers. TVA was not required to pay interest on the
investment but was required to make some repayments to the Treasury
on the investment. The status of the Federal investment in TVA's power
program at June 30, 1960, is shown on the following page.

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