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Venezuela: Political Crisis and U.S. Policy

Updated September 15,2020

Venezuela remains in a deep crisis under the authoritarian
rule ofNicolds Maduroof the United SocialistParty of
Venezuela (PSUV). Maduro, narrowly elected in 2013 after
the death of President Hugo Chdvez (1999-2013), began a
second termon January 10, 2019, that is widely considered
illegitimate. Since January 2019, Juan Guaid6, president of
Venezuela's democratically elected, opposition-controlled
National As sembly, has sought to forma transition
government to serve until internationally ob served elections
can be held. The United States and 57 other countries
recognize Guaid6 as interimpresident, but hehas been
unable to use that support to wrest power fromMaduro.

Guaid6's termas National Assembly president, aposition
that enabled his recognition as interimpresident, is to end
in January 2021. Although Guaid6 and manyofhis allies
have called for aboycott of legislative elections scheduled
for December 6, 2020, other sectors of the opposition,
including two-time presidential candidate Henrique
Capriles, have discussed fielding candidates. The Trump
Administration and many Members of Congress continue to
support Guaid6, but divisions within the opposition could
enable Maduro to consolidate more power.

Maduro, reelected in May 2018 in a fraudulent election, has
used the Venezuelan courts, security forces, and electoral
council to quash dis sent. Security forces have detained and
abused Maduro's opponents, including military officers and
oppositionpoliticians. Police have violently enforced a
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) quarantine and
arres ted those who have criticized the government's
response to the pandemic. As of September 7,2020, the
government held 333 politicalprisoners even after
pardoning 1 10people following negotiations with Capriles,
according to ForoPenal, ahuman rights organization.

By most accounts, Maduro's government has mismanaged
the economy and engaged in massive corruption,
exacerbating the effects of a decline in global oilprices and
oil production onthe country's economy. Maduro has
rewarded allies, including the military, with income
siphoned fromstate industries and fromillegal gold mining,
drug trafficking, and other illicit activities. The
International Monetary Fund estimates the Venezuelan
economy contractedby 35% in 2019 and inflation reached
9,585%. Economic conditions have deteriorated further in
2020 because of gasoline shortages, COVID-19, and
broadened U.S. sanctions.

Shortages in food and medicine, declines in purchasing
power, and a collapseofsocial services havecreated a
humanitarian crisis. According to a 2019-2020 household
survey, the percentageof Venezuelans living in poverty
increasedto 96% in 2019 (80% in extreme poverty). A

February 2020 World Food Program as sessment estimated
that 9 million Venezuelans were food insecure. Health
indicators, particularly infant and maternal mortality rates,
have worsened. Previously eradicated dis eases such as
diphtheria and measles havereturned and spread.

The government reported only 485 deaths fromCOVID-19
(as of September 14), but experts maintain that the actual
number is much higher and that the pandemic could
decimate Venezuela's hollowed-out health system Some
70% of Venezuelan hospitals surveyed in 2019 lacked
access to clean water. A Maduro-Gu aid6 agreement
negotiated in June 2020has allowed the Pan American
Health Organization to lead relief efforts.

In August 2020, U.N. agencies estimated 5.2 million
Venezuelans had left the country; most haverelocatedto
other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Migrants face obstacles maintaining employment and
acces sing health care, as neighboring countries have
implemented quarantines andborder closures to prevent the
spread of COVID-19.

Guaid6 retains diplomatic support abroad but lacks power
at home. In 2019, Guaid6's supporters organized two
unsuccessful efforts to encourage security forces to
abandon Maduro. After those efforts failed, observers
hoped negotiations between Guaid6 and Maduro could lead
to an electoral solutionto the crisis. When talks stalled,
Maduro increasedpersecution o fGuaid6's supporters.
Guaid6 has lost domestic support since reports emergedthat
he may have condoned aplan thatresultedin a botchedraid
against Maduro in early May 2020.

Maduro now seeks to take controlofthe National As sently
by convening elections. In June 2020, the Supreme Court
ruled that because efforts to select a National Electoral
Council (CNE) had stalled in the National Assembly, it
would name new CNE rectors to oversee legislative
elections. The Supreme Court then disbanded the leadership
of three major opposition parties, and the CNE scheduled
elections for December 6, 2020. While Guaid6 and 37
oppositionparties are boycotting due to concerns the
elections would be neither free nor fair, Maduro has offered
concessions, including dismis sing charges against some
political opponents and an openness to international
election observers, to entice HenriqueCapriles andhis
allies to participate. Capriles wants the elections to be
postponed and observedby the EuropeanUnion (EU)-
conditions that appear unlikely to occur.

The international conmrunity remains divided over how to
respond to the crisis in Venezuela. The United States,

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