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1 William Prynne, The Opening of the Great Seale of England [i] (1643)

handle is hein.cow/ogsean0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 10P E                                       N N'@
V%                                 OF
The Great Scale                                          C
OF                                   C
 Containing certain Brief Hiftoricall and Legall Obfervations,
4*  touchingt-he originall, A.  tity, Prgreffe , Vfe, Necefsity of the  I
vQ        Great. Seal oft tb Kin ov and KingdMy of England, 'n refped of Cbarrcrs,
Patents, Writs,. commiions, and other Procefe.
Together with the Kings, Kingdoms, Parliaments feverall .rnterefls in,
And Power over the fame ,' and over the Lord Chancelour, and the Lords and  ,
Keepers of it, both in regard of its Ncw-wnak'ng, Cu ffody, Admi ni-
fration for the better Execution of Pubike 7jfticethe Re-
pablique mcceffary Safety, and Vtility.
Occafioned by the Over-rajh Cenfures of fich who inveigh againft the Parlamot,
4       for Ordering a new Great Seale to be Engraven, to fupply the wilfidl abfence, defefsoabufes  g
of the Old, unduely withdrawne and detained from them.
S        ByWXi L L AM PRYN N E, Utter-Barreffer of Lincoins Inne.
Efther S. x.                           roel
64   Wtiteyc alf for the levs, 4 liietf you, in th rings name, A N D S E A L I V WI T H
T H Eg  X I N G S R I N G : for the Writing wbic * written in the Rings name, A N D
4,1   SEALED     Wi 7'H  THE KINOS      RING, may no rn reverfe.
It is this fifteenth day of September, Anne Dam. 1643. Ordered by the Committee
of ue 14oufe of ommons, concerning Printing,b that this Treatife, intituled,
V le Oprxing of the Grat Seale of EJgland, ie forthwith Printed by Mihadic gI
,1     sparkr'senior.                             . OHNW      HIT   .  .
Printed for M     CIIAEL       SPA RK      Senior. 164- 3,

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