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585 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. 6 (2003)

handle is hein.cow/anamacp0585 and id is 1 raw text is: EDITORIAL
A New
Look at The
Academy of
and Social

nstitutions can be slow to change, especially
venerable ones like The American Academy
of Political and Social Science and its bimonthly
publication, The Annals. There is comfort in tra-
ditions, anchors to the past that help define and
communicate what an institution is about. Amid
a sea of change in nearly every aspect of our
lives, it is reassuring to know that some things
remain the same. Continuous quality improve-
ment notions to the contrary, many of us also
often work as if governed by the old adage If it
ain't broke, don't fix it.
The cover of a journal like The Annals invari-
ably sends a message about its contents and the
character of the organization that produces it.
The admonition not to judge something by its
cover is a powerful reminder of just how much it
actually conveys, whether intended or not.
As you can readily see, The Annals has a new
cover and a new layout. We have made these
changes for several reasons: some pragmatic,
others symbolic. On the more practical side, we
believe the changes make the volume more user
friendly. We intend these changes to make it eas-
ier to learn what is inside and easier to read the
articles that each volume carries between its
covers. The contents are communicated more
clearly and easily: first, by a black-and-white
photograph that represents the theme of the vol-
ume and second, by a list of the articles and
authors on the back cover. Indeed, we believe
you can tell a lot by this new cover.
On the more symbolic side, we have retained
elements of the color by which The Annals has
been identified for decades, the orange that
evokes so many vivid reactions. We want to con-
vey in retaining this element our intention to
improve the journal and better serve the mem-
bers of the Academy and the institutions that
subscribe to The Annals while preserving a tra-
dition of quality. Few interdisciplinary journals
can rival the authors and special editors who
have graced its pages, which have included dis-
DOI: 10.1177/0002716202238563

ANNALS, AAPSS, 585, January 2003


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