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255 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. v (1948)

handle is hein.cow/anamacp0255 and id is 1 raw text is: FOREWORD
SINCE the end of the fighting in Europe and the Pacific, the American people
have been deeply interested in the problems which have arisen out of the war: the
relief of distressed peoples, the rebuilding of economic life, the establishment of
democratic governments in states formerly under Nazi control, the demilitariza-
tion of Germany and Japan, the drafting of the peace treaties, and the establish-
ment and functioning of the United Nations. By the spring of 1947 it had be-
come apparent that these problems were highly complex, and that conflicting in-
terests and policies of certain states stood in the way of any immediate and
satisfactory solution. The road to peace, it was realized, was a long and difficult
one, and the United States would have to lead the way.
For the better understanding of these problems, the University of Michigan
Summer Session sponsored, in July and August 1947, a series of lectures under the
title The United States in World Affairs. The series was designed to show the
principles and aims of American policy since the war, the forces and conditions
abroad affecting the United States and influencing its policy, the recent achieve-
ments of the United States in foreign affairs, and some of the tasks that lie ahead.
The opening address was made on July 2 by Stanley K. Hornbeck, and the con-
cluding one on August 8 by Nelson T. Johnson. Altogether there were nineteen
lectures by speakers from public life, government service, the United Nations, and
colleges and universities. The lectures were delivered to audiences, varying con-
siderably in size, consisting of summer students, members of the faculty, and the
general public.
The program was planned and directed by a committee composed of Howard M.
Ehrmann, associate professor of history (chairman); Robert C. Angell, professor
of sociology; Arthur E. R. Boak, professor of history; John P. Dawson, professor
of law; Robert B. Hall, professor of geography; Louis A. Hopkins, director of the
summer session; Dudley M. Phelps, professor of marketing; Lawrence Preuss, pro-
fessor of political science; and William R. Leslie, instructor in history (secretary).
The committee wishes to thank the editor of THE ANNALS for the opportunity to
present these lectures to a far wider audience than that found on a university


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