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114 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. i (1924)

handle is hein.cow/anamacp0114 and id is 1 raw text is: THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL
Origin and Purpose. The Academy was organized December 14, 1889,
to provide a national forum for the discussion of political and social ques-
tions. The Academy does not take sides upon controverted questions,
but seeks to secure and present reliable information to assist the public in
forming an intelligent and accurate opinion.
Publications. The Academy publishes annually six issues of THE
ANNALS dealing with the most prominent current social and political
problems. Each publication contains from twenty to twenty-five papers
upon the same general subject. The larger number of the papers published
are solicited by the Academy; they are serious discussions, not doctrinaire
expressions of opinion.
Meetings. The Academy holds scientific sessions each year during
the winter months, and it also has an annual meeting extending over two
full days and including six sessions. The papers of permanent value
presented at the meetings are included in the Academy publications.
Membership. The subscription price of THE ANNALS of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science is $5.oo per year. Single copies
are sold at $2.00 each. THE ANNALS are sent to all members of the
Academy, $4.00 (or more) of the annual membership fee of $5.oo being
for a subscription to the publication. Membership in the Academy may
be secured by applying to the Secretary, 39th Street and Woodland Avenue,
Philadelphia. The annual membership fee is $5.00 and the life member-
ship fee $ioo. Members not only receive the regular publications of the
Academy, but are invited to all the meetings. Members also have the
privilege of applying to the Editorial Council for information upon current
political and social questions.
Issued bi-monthly by the American Academy of Political and Social Science at Concord. New
Editorial Offce, 39th Street and Woodland Avenue. Philadelphia, Pa.
Entered as second-class matter. May Sth. 1915. at the post-office at Concord, New H ampshire. under the
Act of August 24. 1912.

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