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S. Rept. 110-223 1 (2007-11-07)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxmbb0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUTHENTICATEO

                                                       Calendar No. 474
                  110TH CONGRESS                                    REPORT
                     1st Session             SENATE                 110-223

                                 STATES OLYMPIC COMMITTEE

                                 NOVEMBER 7, 2007.-Ordered to be printed

                     Mrs. BOXER, from the Committee on Environment and Public
                                   Works, submitted the following


                                         [To accompany S. 589]

                           [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]
                    The Committee on Environment and Public Works, to which was
                  referred a bill (S. 589) to provide for the transfer of certain Federal
                  property to the United States Paralympics, Incorporated, a sub-
                  sidiary of the United States Olympic Committee, having considered
                  the same, reports favorably thereon with an amendment in the na-
                  ture of a substitute and an amendment to the title and rec-
                  ommends that the bill (as amended) do pass.
                               PURPOSE AND SUMMARY OF LEGISLATION
                    S. 589 provides for the transfer of certain Federal property to the
                  United   States  Olympics  Committee   to  support  the  U.S.
                  Paralympics Games.
                               GENERAL STATEMENT AND BACKGROUND
                    A bill was introduced by Senator Allard to direct the transfer of
                  federal property   in  Colorado  Springs, Colorado, to   U.S.
                    The building was fully occupied until October 2006 by the United
                  States Space Command (USSC). The U.S. Armed Forces occupied
                  approximately 15% of the building until June 2007. The Federal
                  Protective Services and GSA occupied a small portion of the build-
                  ing until their leases expired at the end of September, 2007.
                    Once it was determined that USSC would not remain in the
                  building, GSA conducted an Internal Retention and Disposal study

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