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S. Rept. 110-100 1 (2007-06-26)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxlvw0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUTHENTICATED

                                                       Calendar No. 230
                  110TH CONGRESS                                   REPORT
                     1st Session             SENATE                110-100

                                 ART OF THE UNITED STATES

                                 JUNE 26, 2007.-Ordered to be printed

                      Mr. BINGAMAN, from the Committee on Energy and Natural
                                 Resources, submitted the following


                                      [To accompany S. Con. Res. 6]
                    The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, to which was
                  referred the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 6) expressing the
                  sense of Congress that the National Museum of Wildlife Art, lo-
                  cated in Jackson, Wyoming, should be designated as the National
                  Museum of Wildlife Art of the United States, having considered
                  the same, reports favorably thereon without amendment and rec-
                  ommends that the resolution do pass.
                                     PURPOSE OF THE MEASURE
                    The purpose of S. Con. Res. 6 is to express the sense of Congress
                  that the National Museum of Wildlife Art, located in Jackson, Wyo-
                  ming, should be designated as the National Museum of Wildlife
                  Art of the United States.
                                      BACKGROUND AND NEED
                    The National Museum of Wildlife Art is a private, non-profit en-
                  tity located just outside of Jackson, Wyoming, near the National
                  Elk Refuge and Grand Teton National Park. The museum, which
                  opened its doors in 1987, has a collection of nearly 4,000 works of
                  art, including paintings, sculpture, and photograph devoted to wild-
                    Although the museum is not affiliated with the Department of
                  the Interior, the National Park Service has worked frequently with
                  the museum on special exhibits related to the park's history and

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