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S. Rept. 105-224 1 (1998-06-25)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxddu0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUTHENTICATED

                                                         Calendar No. 434
                   105TH CONGRESS             S                       REPORT
                      2d Session              SENATE                  105-224

                                      AMENDMENTS OF 1998

                                    JUNE 25, 1998.-Ordered to be printed

                      Mr. CHAFEE, from the Committee on Environment and Public
                                   Works, submitted the following


                                         [To accompany S. 2095]
                     The Committee on Environment and Public Works, to which was
                   referred a bill (S. 2095) to reauthorize and amend the National
                   Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act, having considered
                   the same, reports favorably thereon with an amendment and rec-
                   ommends that the bill do pass.
                     In 1984, Congress passed and President Ronald Reagan signed
                   into law a bill creating the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
                   The Foundation is a Federally chartered, charitable, nonprofit cor-
                   poration established to accept and administer gifts from private
                   citizens for fish, wildlife and plant conservation. The Foundation
                   develops private sector support for selected programs and activities
                   of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the National
                   Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that traditionally have
                   not been adequately funded through annual appropriations.
                     Since its creation in 1984, the Foundation has been very success-
                   ful in establishing public and private partnerships to conserve fish,
                   wildlife and plants using Federal funds matched by private dona-
                   tions. On average, the Foundation has brought in more than two
                   private sector dollars for every Federal dollar appropriated. With
                   these funds, the Foundation has financed more than 2,550 con-
                   servation projects throughout the United States and in 35 other
                   countries that, using partnerships and challenge grants, have been
                   worth more than $310 million. The Foundation has conducted

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