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H. Rept. 105-92 1 (1997-05-07)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxcyf0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUTHENTICATEO

                   105TH CONGRESS                                      REPORT
                      1st Session   HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES           105-92

                              1997 SPECIAL OLYMPICS TORCH RELAY

                       MAY 7, 1997.-Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed

                       Mr. SHUSTER, from the Committee on Transportation and
                                Infrastructure, submitted the following


                                       [To accompany H. Con. Res. 67]

                            [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]
                     The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, to whom
                   was referred the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 67) authoriz-
                   ing the 1997 Special Olympics Torch Relay to be run through the
                   Capitol Grounds, having considered the same, report favorably
                   thereon without amendment and recommend that the concurrent
                   resolution be agreed to.
                     House Concurrent Resolution 67 would authorize the use of the
                   Capitol Grounds for the 1997 Special Olympics Torch Relay, sched-
                   uled for Friday, June 13, 1997. The resolution authorizes the Archi-
                   tect of the Capitol and the Capitol Police Board to take such ac-
                   tions and prescribe such conditions as necessary for carrying out
                   the event in complete compliance with rules and regulations gov-
                   erning the use of the Capitol Grounds.
                     The run through the Capitol Grounds is part of the journey of
                   the Special Olympics torch through the District of Columbia to
                   open the Special Olympics summer games at Gallaudet University
                   in the District of Columbia. Each year, over 60 local and Federal
                   law enforcement agencies in Washington, D.C. participate in this
                   annual event to show their support of the Special Olympics. The
                   activities will begin on Capitol Hill where the United States Cap-
                   itol Police will host the opening ceremonies for the torch run.
                                      COMPLIANCE WITH RULE XI
                     With respect to the requirements of clause 2(l)(3) of rule XI of
                   the Rules of the House of Representatives:
                     (1) The Committee did not hold hearings on the legislation.

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