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S. Rept. 104-231 1 (1996-02-06)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxbkv0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUTHENTICATEO

                                                              Calendar No. 332

                     104TH CONGRESS                S                         REPORT
                        2d Session                 SENATE                    104-231

                           MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL REFORM ACT OF 1995

                                      FEBRUARY 6, 1996.-Ordered to be printed

                              Mr. HATCH, from the Committee on the Judiciary,
                                           submitted the following


                                                together with

                                  ADDITIONAL AND MINORITY VIEWS

                                              [To accompany S. 627]

                       The Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the bill
                     (S. 627) to apply the antitrust laws of the United States to major
                     league baseball, having considered the same, reports favorably
                     thereon without amendment and recommends that the bill do pass.

                       I. Text of  S. 627, as  reported  ...........................................................................  2
                       II.  P u rpose  ...........................................................................................................  2
                       III.  Legislative  history  .......................................................................................  3
                       IV.  Vote  of the  com m ittee  ....................................................................................  4
                       V .  D iscussion  .......................................................................................................  5
                             A. Background of baseball's exemption ...............................................  6
                             B. General applicability of the antitrust laws .....................................  7
                             C. Impact of exemption on baseball's labor relations ........................  9
                             D. Owners' arguments for special treatment under the antitrust
                                 law s  ................................................................................................. .  11
                      VI. Section-by-section  analysis  ..........................................................................  14
                      V II.  C ost  estim ate  .................................................................................................  15
                      VIII.  Regulatory  im pact  statem ent  ........................................................................  16
                      IX. Additional views of Senator Thurmond .......................................................  17
                      X. M inority  views  of Senator  Specter  ...............................................................  19
                      XI. M inority  views  of Senator  Sim on  .................................................................  21
                      XII. Minority views of Senator Brown and Feinstein .........................................  23
                      XIII. M inority  views of Senator Feinstein  ............................................................  29
                      XIV.  Changes  in  existing  law  ................................................................................  30


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