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S. Rept. 118-196 1 (2024-07-23)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxagkw0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUT-ENTICATED

                                                       Calendar No. 443
                  118TH CONGRESS                                    REPORT
                     2d Session              SENATE                 118-196

                             PECOS  WATERSHED PROTECTION ACT

                                   JULY 23, 2024.-Ordered to be printed

                      Mr. MANCHIN,  from the Committee on Energy and Natural
                                 Resources, submitted the following


                                         [To accompany S. 3033]

                           [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]
                    The Committee  on Energy and Natural Resources, to which was
                  referred the bill (S. 3033) to withdraw certain Federal land in the
                  Pecos Watershed  area of the State of New Mexico from mineral
                  entry, and for other purposes, having considered the same, reports
                  favorably thereon without amendment  and recommends  that the
                  bill do pass.
                    The  purpose of S. 3033 is to withdraw approximately 176,199
                  acres of Federal land in the Pecos River Watershed in New Mexico
                  from the public land laws, and mining, mineral leasing, and geo-
                  thermal leasing laws.
                                      BACKGROUND  AND  NEED
                    The  Pecos River begins in north-central New Mexico and flows
                  approximately 926 miles south into Texas, where it empties into
                  the Rio Grande River. More than 20 miles of the Upper Pecos River
                  and its headwaters near Santa Fe are designated as a component
                  of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
                    S. 3033 would withdraw approximately 164,600 acres of National
                  Forest System and Bureau  of Land Management  lands located in
                  the Upper Pecos Watershed from the public land laws, and mining,
                  mineral leasing, and geothermal leasing laws.
                    The area proposed for withdrawal has a history of mining dating
                  back to the late 19th century. In 1991, a spill of toxic water from


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