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S. Rept. 118-189 1 (2024-07-10)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxagkt0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUT-ENTICATED

                                                       Calendar No. 434
                  118TH CONGRESS                                   REPORT
                     2d Session              SENATE                118-189

                             MOUNT BLUE SKY WILDERNESS ACT

                                  JULY 10, 2024.-Ordered to be printed

                      Mr. MANCHIN, from the Committee on Energy and Natural
                                 Resources, submitted the following


                                        [To accompany S. 3044]

                           [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]
                    The Committee on Energy  and Natural Resources, to which was
                  referred the bill (S. 3044), to redesignate the Mount Evans Wilder-
                  ness as the Mount Blue Sky Wilderness, and for other purposes,
                  having considered the same, reports favorably thereon without
                  amendment  and recommends  that the bill do pass.
                    The purpose of S. 3044 is to redesignate the Mount Evans Wil-
                  derness in Colorado as the Mount Blue Sky Wilderness.
                                     BACKGROUND   AND NEED
                    The Mount  Evans Wilderness area, located in the Arapaho and
                  Pike National Forests, was established in 1980 by the Colorado
                  Wilderness Act (Public Law 96-560). The wilderness area is over-
                  looked by Mount Blue Sky, formerly known as Mount Evans, in the
                  Arapaho National Forest.
                    In September 2023, the U.S. Board on Geographic Names' Do-
                  mestic Names  Committee  voted to change the  name  of Mount
                  Evans in Colorado as Mount Blue Sky. Mount Evans was originally
                  named  after John Evans, the Territorial Governor of Colorado in
                  1862, who has  been closely linked to the Sand Creek Massacre,
                  which occurred in 1864 and resulted in the killing of approximately
                  750 members  of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes in the area. The
                  name  change reflects a commitment to honor the Cheyenne and
                  Arapaho Tribes, who played a key role in advocating for the redes-


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