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handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxafyb0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUTHENTICATED

                      118TH CONGRESS                                         [REPT. 118-341
                         2d Session      HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                 Part 1

                               OFAC   LICENSURE FOR INVESTIGATORS ACT

                       JANUARY 9, 2024.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State
                                         of the Union and ordered to be printed

                           Mr. MCHENRY, from the Committee on Financial Services,
                                             submitted   the  following

                                                 R  E  P   O  R  T

                                               [To accompany H.R. 6370]

                        The  Committee on Financial Services, to whom was referred the
                      bill (H.R. 6370)  to require  the Office of Foreign  Assets  Control  to
                      develop  a program   under  which  private  sector firms may   receive a
                      license to conduct  nominal   financial transactions  in furtherance  of
                      the firms' investigations, and  for other purposes,  having  considered
                      the  same,  reports  favorably  thereon   with  amendments and rec-
                      ommends that the bill   as amended do pass.
                        The  amendments are as follows:
                        Strike all after the enacting  clause and  insert the following:

                      SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
                        This Act may be cited as the OFAC Licensure for Investigators Act.
                        (a) IN GENERAL.-The Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control shall, not
                      later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, establish a pilot pro-
                      gram under which a private sector firm may receive a license to conduct nominal
                      financial transactions in furtherance of the firm's investigations.
                        (b) COORDINATION.-When  establishing and carrying out the pilot program re-
                      quired under subsection (a), the Director of the of the Office of Foreign Assets Con-
                      trol shall coordinate with the Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Net-
                      work for the purposes of supporting activities of the FinCEN Exchange, as described
                      in section 310(d) of title 31 of the United States Code.
                        (c) REPORTING ON ACTIVITIES.-Each private sector firm that receives a license de-
                      scribed under subsection (a) shall submit a detailed monthly report to the Director
                      of the Office of Foreign Assets Control on the activities of the firm conducted under
                      such license.
                        (d) TERMINATION.-The pilot program established by the Director of the Office of
                      Foreign Assets Control under subsection (a) shall terminate on the date that is 5
                      years after the date on which the Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control
                      establishes such program.
                        Amend   the title so as to read:

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