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S. Rept. 118-66 1 (2023-07-19)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxafnu0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUTHENTICATED

                                                         Calendar No. 140
                   118TH CONGRESS                                     REPORT
                      1st Session             SENATE                  118-66


                                    JULY 19, 2023.-Ordered to be printed

                       Mr. MANCHIN, from the Committee  on Energy and Natural
                                  Resources, submitted the following

                                          R  E  P O  R  T

                                          [To accompany S. 736]
                     The Committee  on Energy and Natural Resources, to which was
                   referred the bill (S. 736), to establish the Chiricahua National Park
                   in the State of Arizona as a unit of the National Park System, and
                   for other purposes, having considered the same, reports favorably
                   thereon without amendment  and recommends  that the bill do pass.
                     The purpose of S. 736 is to redesignate the Chiricahua National
                   Monument  in the State of Arizona as Chiricahua National Park.
                                       BACKGROUND   AND NEED
                     Established by Presidential Proclamation issued by President
                   Coolidge in 1924 under the authority of the Antiquities Act, the
                   Chiricahua National  Monument   protects approximately  12,000
                   acres of unique natural and cultural heritage in Cochise County,
                   Arizona. The national monument is primarily known for its unique
                   standing rock formations eroded from rhyolitic tuff, but also in-
                   cludes a varied biological landscape due to its location at the cross-
                   roads of four biogeographical regions.
                     The national monument's cultural landscape includes the home-
                   land of the Chiricahua Apache Indians and their ancestors, 19th
                   century homesteads, Buffalo Soldier history, an early 20th century
                   guest ranch, and  a depression-era Civilian Conservation Corps
                   camp. In 1976, Congress designated the majority of the national
                   monument  as wilderness.


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