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H. Rept. 118-91 1 (2023-06-05)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxafju0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUTHENTICATED

                      118TH CONGRESS                                            REPORT
                         1st Session     HOUSE   OF  REPRESENTATIVES            118-91


                       JUNE 5, 2023.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of
                                          the Union and ordered to be printed

                          Mr.  MCHENRY, from the Committee on Financial Services,
                                            submitted   the  following

                                                R  E   P  O  R   T

                                              [To accompany H.R. 2812]

                                [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]

                        The  Committee   on Financial  Services, to whom   was  referred  the
                     bill (H.R. 2812) to require the  Securities and Exchange   Commission
                     to  carry out  a study  of the  costs associated  with  small- and  me-
                     dium-sized   companies   to undertake  initial public offerings, having
                     considered  the same,  reports favorably  thereon  with an  amendment
                     and  recommends that the bill   as amended do pass.
                        The amendment is as follows:
                        Strike all after the enacting clause and  insert the following:
                     SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
                       This Act may be cited as the Middle Market IPO Underwriting Cost Act.
                     SEC. 2. STUDY ON IPO FEES.
                       (a) STUDY.-The  Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission), in con-
                       sultation with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, shall carry out a study
                     of the costs associated with small- and medium-sized companies to undertake initial
                     public offerings (IPOs). In carrying out such study, the Commission shall-
                           (1) consider the direct and indirect costs of an IPO, including-
                              (A) fees, such as gross spreads paid to underwriters, IPO advisors, and
                              other professionals;
                              (B) compliance with Federal and State securities laws at the time of the
                              IPO; and
                              (C) such other IPO-related costs as the Commission determines appro-
                           (2) compare and analyze the costs of an IPO with the costs of obtaining alter-
                         native sources of financing and of liquidity;
                           (3) consider the impact of such costs on capital formation;
                           (4) analyze the impact of these costs on the availability of public securities
                         of small- and medium-sized companies to retail investors; and
                           (5) analyze trends in IPOs over a time period the Commission determines is
                         appropriate to analyze IPO pricing practices, considering-
                              (A) the number of IPOs;

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