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1 (2023-03-30)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxafgf0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUTHENTICATED

                    118TH CONGRESS                                   J REPT. 118-32
                       1st Session   HOUSE   OF REPRESENTATIVES           Part 1

                                   COVID-19 ORIGIN ACT OF 2023

                     MARCH 30, 2023.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State
                                     of the Union and ordered to be printed

                          Mr. TURNER,  from the Permanent  Select Committee  on
                                   Intelligence, submitted the following

                                            R  E  P  O  R  T

                                          [To accompany H.R. 1376]
                      The Permanent   Select Committee  on Intelligence, to whom was
                    referred the bill (H.R. 1376) to require the Director of National In-
                    telligence to declassify information  relating to  the  origin of
                    COVID-19,  and  for other purposes, having considered the same, re-
                    ports favorably thereon without amendment   and recommends   that
                    the bill do pass.
                                   PURPOSE  AND SUMMARY   OF THE  BILL
                      The purpose  of H.R. 1376 is to require the Director of National
                    Intelligence to declassify information relating to  the origin of
                                BACKGROUND AND NEED FOR LEGISLATION
                      The  COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc across the country,
                    with almost every household  feeling its effects. The United States'
                    death toll from this virus has surpassed one  million people.1 Al-
                    though concrete data is hard to lock down,  millions of Americans
                    are suffering from the long-term effects directly attributed to this
                    virus. COVID-19   has also negatively affected communities, espe-
                    cially our school systems. It is becoming increasingly clear that
                    school-age children face major educational hurdles because of long-
                    term school  closures. The American  public  deserves answers  to
                    every aspect of the COVID-19   pandemic  to include how this pan-
                    demic started and specifically whether it was a natural occurrence
                    or was the result of a lab-related event. It is imperative that infor-
                    mation held by the United  States Intelligence Community help in-

                    'Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Covid Data Tracker CDC COVID Data Tracker: Case,
                    Death, & Laboratory Testing Trends by Location.

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